Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Saint Benedict

The God of Our Fathers

In the words of the Psalmist, “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.”  This summer, we will explore the lives of men and women throughout history who allowed their Christian faith to shape the way they lived in significant ways, and who continue to impact and inspire people to this day.

Saint Benedict

1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Philippians 2:12-16

The Death Roadblock



The Death Roadblock

Of all the experiences a human being goes through, placing the body of someone you love into the ground must be just about the most difficult.  This is precisely the predicament that two of Jesus’ closest friends faced when their brother fell ill.  How would he respond in their moment of need?  How does He respond in ours?

John 11:1-37

Quick to Listen


Many of us have lost the art of listening.  We might get a passing grade when it comes to our hearing, but listening is another thing altogether.  Let’s explore the world that opens up to us when we position ourselves to listen to God, to one another, to God alongside one another, and to our neighbours.

James 1:19-22

Flocks By Night



It’s a classic scene that has inspired everything from classic Christmas carols to cheesy greeting cards.  Perhaps you are one of the scores of people who have responded to this scene by proudly walking across a church stage in your bathrobe!  But why angels and why shepherds?  And why keep talking about this all these years later?

Luke 2:8-15

One in Christ Jesus

One in Christ Jesus

People in first century middle-east were often divided into sharply defined categories, and quite often, one side would thrive at the expense of the other. But the early Christians, following the example of Jesus, went to work on a new project that sought to break down these barriers for the sake of something much better.

Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 4:1-6

Neither Male Nor Female

From the beginning of time, God’s strategy for getting things done in the world was for His image bearers – male and female – to service Him together. While history tells the long, unfortunate story of a breakdown in this alliance, we can be part of writing a better story as we live alongside one another for the sake of the world.

Genesis 1:1-2, 26-28, 31; Galatians 3:26-28

Neither Jew Nor Gentile

In our diverse world you don’t have to look too far to understand that tensions exist around issues of race, gender and creed. “Diverse” can be made to mean “divided”. But, differences need not become barriers. Instead, when handled well, they offer opportunities to build bridges toward true community.

Galatians 3:26-29; Luke 10:25-37

Historial Perspective

Historial Perspective

At times we focus so much on the future that we can forget about the past altogether. Sometimes forgetting the past is a healthy thing to do, but most often we do ourselves a favour by learning from it and giving a voice in the present to those who have gone before us.

Jeremiah 6:16-19; Matthew 5:17-20

Character Formation Over the Long Run


Who we are today is a combination of so many factors, including our genetics, the home we were raised in, and the decisions we (and others) have made along the way. But what about who we are tomorrow? How do we become that person?

Proverbs 3:1-18; Matthew 7:24-27

The Tyranny of the Urgent


The Tyranny of the Urgent

On the other side of Labour Day, our schedules tend to shift and change, making it a fitting time to talk about time. Whether we’re dealing with timetables or deadlines, early alarms or naptimes, the clock is always looming, and it can be difficult to keep up the pace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Matthew 11:28-30

Samson the Vulnerable


Over the summer months, we are looking at a number of characters featured in Old Testament stories, from Genesis through Judges. We’ll pay attention to how their interactions with God and the people around them both revealed and shaped their character, and how our own character is revealed and takes shape over time.

Samson The Vulnerable

As our summer series winds to a close, we’ll explore a life that was going oh-so-well until everything fell apart. The mighty Samson provides us with a reminder of the vulnerability that we all share and offers hope on the other side of even the most drastic failure.

Judges 13:1-5, 24-25a; 2 Timothy 4:6-8

Deborah – A Leader of Leaders


Over the summer months, we are looking at a number of characters featured in Old Testament stories, from Genesis through Judges. We’ll pay attention to how their interactions with God and the people around them both revealed and shaped their character, and how our own character is revealed and takes shape over time.

Deborah – A Leader of Leaders

Deborah led during a deeply troubled time in Israel’s history. She didn’t create the problems but she was called to resolve them. What can we learn for our lives as we are impacted by the consequences of others’ choices and actions?

Judges 4:1-14, 5:6-7; Hebrews 11:32

Joseph The Dreamer



Over the summer months, we are going to be looking at a number of characters featured in Old Testament stories, from Genesis through Judges.  We’ll pay attention to how their interactions with God and the people around them both revealed and shaped their character, and how our own character is revealed and takes shape over time.

Joseph the Dreamer

Any time you tell your siblings that you had a dream about them bowing down before you in worship, you know trouble is looming.  The events that would unfold between Joseph and his brothers put everyone’s character to the test.  Conflict has a way of doing that.

Genesis 37:1-11; Matthew 5:38-42

Jacob the Deceiver



Over the summer months, we are going to be looking at a number of characters featured in Old Testament stories, from Genesis through Judges.  We’ll pay attention to how their interactions with God and the people around them both revealed and shaped their character, and how our own character is revealed and takes shape over time.

Jacob The Deceiver

Jacob was a troublemaker right from the start, quite literally.  But despite the ways he deceived and took advantage of others, Jacob also demonstrated extreme loyalty and was ultimately used by God in significant ways.  And that’s good news for us.

Genesis 25:19-26a; Ephesians 4:22-24

Continuous Prayer

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Like the Queen in Snow White, our concern with what others say about us can be all-consuming.  This month, we’ll explore some ways to help us learn about and become who God has created us to be, regardless of what others say, and even regardless of what we may want to hear.

Continuous Prayer

Perhaps the most difficult challenge the Bible puts to us is Paul’s encouragement, “Pray without ceasing”.  How is that even possible?  If all we did was pray, how would we have time for anything else in life?  Well, let’s find out…

1 Thessalonians 5:17

One Big Happy Family: Tamar the Schemer

One Big Happy Family


Leo Tolstoy once wrote, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

One look at Jesus’ family tree and it’s plain to see that his family was of the unhappy variety. As we

explore the stories of four women whose names are mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy, we’ll be reminded

of the universal experience of brokenness, and the hope that can come from even the bleakest of situations.


Rated PG for thematic elements, violence, and sexuality


Tamar the Schemer


Genesis 38:1-26

The Good Ol’ Days

The Good Ol’ Days

Looking back on your journey of faith can be a risky venture. Of course there’s often joy in reminiscing about the good ol’ days, but there can also be a sense of remorse as we discover the good things that we’ve lost along the way. If you’ve lost something worth recovering, maybe now is the time to get it back.

Readings: REV.2:1-7 


Shawna Percy, a member of the Elevation community, will be addressing how she faced a major “mid-life crisis” and found her way through to hope again. In her talk about triumphing through tragedy you’ll hear how suicide affected her life, how it can be addressed in the context of the church, what life was like before crisis, and the hope that she regained after traumatic loss. Join the journey with Shawna as we go there and back again.”
Readings:  1 Samuel 31:1-6; 2 Samuel 1:17-27